Onkyo parameters

Does anyone know how to format onkyo parameters. Specifically .center level set and .volume set ???


thank you



I would be interested in this as well

.VOLUME SET is always normalized. If you see a placeholder value for a command and/or the “Parameter” row is renamed to something explicit like “Volume”, those are normalized. Just use the normal format as shown. Volume for instance would be whatever is appropriate for your device, eg. “-10.0”.

Obscure commands like .CENTER LEVEL SET are not normalized and require manufacturer formats as documented in Onkyo’s materials. In some cases it may be easier to just write the full command if you need to use very custom commands like that to send any command you’d like to an Onkyo. For instance as shown in the DDK example which provides a sample of this, the Onkyo .CENTER LEVEL SET command for IP (serial is simpler) would be:


Replace ## with the Onkyo required value from their documentation. Any possible command to the Onkyo receiver can be constructed using the above template and the DDK.

Thank you.