9/24 Library Update Changes

Here are the primary changes in the library from the 9/24 update that just went live.

IP Highlights
MiCasaVerde Vera: Added support for Vera 2/3 devices. Manual IP port 3480.
Insteon ISY-99: Added PROGRAM commands to execute ISY scripts.

Infrared Highlights
Elite CineTension 2 Screens: Added.
Monoprice HDMI 4x4 MHSS0404E Switcher: Added.

To force your copy of Roomie to update right away, force quit Roomie by tapping the Home button, then double-tap Home to bring up the application bar, tap and hold the Roomie icon until a red minus sign appears, and then tap that sign. The next time you run Roomie, the library will automatically update.