URL Scheme

I know this has been covered and there is a FAQ, but I need a specific help. Does anyone know how to get the iOS URL scheme for the ALARM.COM app? All I want it to do is to open the app from roomie. Do I need to go directly to developer for this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Has anyone found out if this is possible?

This is the standard place to look for things like that:

Of course, there is always the definitive way as well. Get the IPA file for the app in question by downloading it with iTunes, rename it to a zip file, unzip it, open the package on OS X, and then look for the Info.plist file that will show exactly what Open URL schemes exist for the app if any.

Thank you.

I checked the http commands prior to posting but didn’t find anything. I don’t have a Mac so can’t open the package as described. Can someone please try this and see if a URL is available?

The URL scheme on iOS you can use is:


I have tested this in Launch Center Pro and it works great!

FYI, I used the rename IPA method mentioned above to look at the plist.

agreen69, thanks so much for this. This is awesome!