I have looked through the forum but can nit find my answer. I am redoing my entire setup now that I have had a while to play around with this product. It is really slick! I love the fact i can run my hdmi switcher via Wifi. My problem is new and did not happen when i originally set up my rooms. My problem is as follows: I set up all the devices in the room as a reference. I then go to create an activity for that device. When I click on the “edit” and go to “Watch Directv” and click “add commands”, a screen opens to add commands but nothing is the pop up screen for me to choose. I seem to remember all of my devices to select commands were in that pop up screen when i originally set up to get a feeling of the remote.
I am sure I am doing something wrong or need to toggle something. A little help would be greatly appreciated.
There is a problem here, and we were able to reproduce it briefly and then it disappeared. So we believe this is intermittent and should be rare. Which version of iOS are you using? We don’t necessarily think that’s related, but it might impact it. First we’d try the basics. Restart your iOS device. If that does nothing to resolve it, delete the Roomie app and re-download from the App Store and then sync your configuration back via Dropbox.
We have added protection to the next release to make sure this doesn’t happen again, but we do believe you should be able to get it working again as for us at the moment it is not reproducible.
I had the same problem. If you press the green plus sign (+) nothing is listed, however if you tap the text ‘add command’ to the right of the plus sign your devices are listed.
Ditto montanamike. So far tapping ‘add command’ always works for me.