Dish Hopper Replacement

I need to change a faulty Hooper out on Tuesday. Is there an easy way to change the new Hopper to the same name that I had before with out having to “replace device” in each Activity. And will the 2 Joeys loose their connection since they get there IP address from the Hopper through the Dish network (the same IP address)?

The important part for DISH devices is the Serial Number. So if you swap your Hopper and set it up such that your Joeys work, just update the Hopper IP in all of your DISH devices, and then update the Serial Number for the Hopper itself. Or, if that sounds complicated, just delete the DISH devices and add them fresh.

Thanks for the quick response.

So that is what I was thinking of doing. But just to clarify I’ll:

  1. Hook up the new Hooper
  2. Let Router assign the new IP address. (Dish doesn’t let you set a static address)
  3. Edit the IP address on the existing hopper device
  4. Edit the old serial number from the old Hopper to the new serial number from the new Hopper.
    I think in the past Roomie does an auto updates the Joey’s to the same IP as the Hooper (since they are not connected to ethernet directly), but if not I’ll check that and modify. We are not replacing the Joeys since they are new, but the Hooper is having HD issues after 7 years of heavy use.

Thanks, Bill