Philips TV PHS6009

Trying to set this TV up with RR but it’s not showing when adding device using discovery. TV has static IP and tried adding manually but not working. Can control TV with Philips Remote app so it’s on the network and responding.

If I enter then I get details of the system. Have tried adding use port 1925 but no control with RR.

Any suggestions?

Know nothing about that model. Don’t think they sell them here. Not listed on the Compatibility list.

However, there is an unlisted codeset for the PFL5006-PFL9006 models in our library, and there’s a fair chance it could work with your model. If you use that codeset, try using different ports. If it doesn’t work, check the Diagnostic Log and compare against the commands the TV is expecting. Use the Custom Device editor if needed to enter different code. Most likely it’s just the codeset/port number.

Infrared control of course would be quite reliable and is obviously also part of our library.

Having investigated this further the problem may lie in how the TV links to a control request. It requires binding where the device needs to send a binding request and the TV then displays a four digit PIN to authenticate.
I’ve just installed and used the integration for Philips TVs for Home Assistant and this completes the binding request and then allows control of the TV without issue including on/off commands.

I’ve tried using the PFL5006-PFL9006 in the RR library with the two main ports Philips seem to use, 1925 & 1926. Unfortunately neither works and the authentication PIN never appears on the TV. I’m assuming this is because a request isn’t being sent from RR to trigger this.

Is there anyway to send the binding request from RR to allow control? If it is of any help, here’s a link to the HA integration:

Philips TV Integration

It seems Philips is using something called Jointspace and this TV is using v6. There’s some information here:
Philips Jointspace v6

However it seems without the initial binding the TV will not respond.

It seems to be impossible to get them in the USA. The nearest country Google referenced for it is Estonia. Anyway, a special pairing code process for a TV with 1 request is probably not going to bubble up to the top of the feature list anytime soon, so I would recommend IR control for that unit as per the Compatibility page.

Yes understood. It’s available here in the UK from Amazon.

I think many of Philips TVs now use the same binding process - certainly those running Android. However it may be different in other countries/regions.

I’ll use IR for now.