"Roomie Agent for Mac OS X"?

This is referenced in the FAQ:


But I can’t find the download anywhere. Does this exist? It would seem to solve the WiFi synch problem, as it’s rare that all my Roomie devices will be active at the same time, so having a server-based Roomie that will always be on should be exactly what’s needed.

Any tips?

It is “coming soon”. As it’s a Mac App, it’s much easier to arrange beta testing for it than the sticky annual UDID process for iOS devices. Support can field requests for beta testing for both iOS and Roomie Agent for Mac OS. Please describe your general setup and number of Roomie devices when emailing that.

Thank you.

Any updates on this yet and are you still looking for beta testers

It’s coming along nicely and very cool. That’s our update for now. We may open up to more beta testers in a week or two, but for the moment we think we’re good.

Thank you.