Please, add the ability to pair RoomieRemotes and Roomie Agent. Have discovered that Roomie will sync with any RoomieRemote. This means that the newest setup is propagated to each RoomieRemote installation. Regardless if the user wants that or not.
Have RoomieRemote installed and setup for my home on my iPad. I go to a friends home with my iPad. My friend also has an iPad with RoomieRemote setup for their home. My iPad joins my friends WiFi network. Now, whomever has the oldest RoomieRemote setup will have their setup changed to the newest setup. So if my RoomieRemote was edited yesterday and my friends was edited last week. My friend will lose their setup and have my setup installed on their iPad.
The only workaround for this issue is to backup after every edit of RoomieRemote. That way the setup can be restored.