
Hello - any update on this?

I have tried to set up and control my Sky+ HD box with Roomie using the dropbox file and using the IP address of the box and port 49153, but no ability to control the box (even for basic pause, rewind functions) which is a little frustrating.

Can anyone help if I am doing anything wrong or if there is any easier way to make Roomie work over IP with a Sky+ HD box in the UK?

Many thanks


The start of this thread seemed to indicate that ip control of the sky box was possible, but even with that zip file i have been unable to accomplish anything, has this project to support ip control of the sky box been abandoned?

I am new to roomie, but i believe to be the closest thing i have seen to solve my universal remote issues. I am a highly technical person so i can offer any beta/development assitance on this project please let me know

I have purchased the full version of roomie and have a roomie blaster on the way but the sky hd ip control still eludes me. the best i have at the moment is running the url to launch the sky app which is ok ish but obviously you then lose volume control as you are no longer in roomie.

The command i use to lauch the sky app is:


Anyway i trully hope you someone here can assist with this as here in the UK, SKY HD boxes are everywhere!

Other hardware controlled by roomie without issue, denon receiver, apple tv, sony bravia tv. all works a treat highly recommended!


Is there an updated command set for Sky HD for IP. …

Certainly users have not had success with the codeset posted years ago in this thread for some time as far as we can tell. If there is any new information on the protocol, please feel free to post it or send it to support and we can help try to get this working again.

Thank you.

I would love to get this working properly, if there is anything I can do to assist let me know. I’m pretty technical, an ex network engineer and software developer.


I have got this working with my Sky HD box. Sky has changed the syntax and require a UUID in the URL for each sky box.

My RoomieCodes file now has the following code:

Sky+ Roomie Remte

I used the tool here to work out my UUID. I guess this could be coded in and auto detected but not within the current DDK.

Any questions I am happy to help. I have been trying to work out how to do power control, which you can do from Sky’s app but can’t quite work it out.
