Lots of nice improvements coming. The high-level focus is on making things simpler to run, and especially eliminating the need for and even the concept of Simple Hub. Make it just work. Simpler to share as well. Returning to a DIY focus.
More details available in the beta of course.
If you’re up for some beta testing this Summer, please contact support with a request for beta access using the in-app button.
I make API calls to the hub from Windows PCs to run activities and control devices, how will API calls work without a hub? Also, if I sign up for beta is it possible to only have 1 device in beta or do all devices in the same configuration need to use beta. And is there a way to exit beta and return to previous version if things become unbearable Thanks …
The features of the Hub are not gone in most cases. The concept is. Easier to understand once you’re using it. Just forget the Hub concept and think of it fresh when you see it. You can still designate local network API access.
V6 and V5 do not interact whatsoever. You can run them alongside each other. V6 performs a one-time configuration upgrade on the local device without touching your V5 config and from then on the apps have no relation to each other.
One feature we did remove in V6 is Remote Access. This feature never belonged in the product. It was convenient to access your home network devices without a VPN, but required a large array of functionality on our side that made the product far more complex when the problem is much better solved via 3rd party VPN software. We recommend OpenVPN, but of course there are countless VPN solutions, and using such a dedicated solution for the small number of users that required this is far superior. From a security perspective, it is also desirable to have fewer things opening ports on your router. A VPN is the correct solution to this problem these days, so this feature was removed.
Other than that, the features that were provided by Simple Hub will still be provided by some device on your network.